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九十八學年第二學期 國立東華大學化學系專題演講 |
週次 | 日期 |
演講者 |
演講題目 |
邀請者 |
1 |
2010/2/26 |
徐秀福 教授(淡江大學化學系) |
Manipulation of Molecular Suprastructures |
林志彪 |
4 |
2010/3/17(三) |
1、2005年諾貝爾化學獎得主 Robert H. Grubbs(與大師對談) |
From Sputnik to Metathesis |
林志彪 |
4 |
2010/3/19 |
Dr. Moore, Christine M. (Vice President, Toxicology Research and Development, Immunalysis Corporation, U.S.A.) |
Immunoassay for Drug Analysis — Forensic Specimens |
陳清漂 |
8 |
2010/4/16 |
Prof. Alexander P. Demchenko (Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Ukraine, 台大訪問教授, 烏克蘭國家科學院院士) |
Sensing intermolecular interactions in many colors of fluorescence emission | 戴達夫 |
10 |
2010/4/30 |
王亦生教授 |
(Tentative topic) The birth of ions in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) | 何彥鵬 |
11 |
2010/5/7 |
Prof Murray Baker,(School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Australia) (東華大學化學系訪問教授) |
N-Heterocyclic carbene complexes derived from azolium-linked cyclophanes. | 林志彪 |
12 |
2010/5/14 |
林俊成 教授 (清大化學系) |
Syntheses of S- and O-linked alpha-(2-9) Oligo-sialic acids. |
戴達夫 |
14 |
2010/5/21 |
蔡政達 教授 (台灣大學物理系) |
Advances in Long-Range Corrected Double-Hybrid Density Functionals | 張秀華 |
15 |
2010/5/28 |
Prof Murray Baker,(School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Australia) (東華大學化學系訪問教授)(Second talk) |
Biodegradable polymers for tissue engineering |
林志彪 |
16 |
2010/6/4 |
周張銓 教授 (長庚技術學院通識中心) |
Molecular Switches for Copper Complexes |
劉鎮維 |
17 |
2010/6/11 |
李秋煌 博士 (工研院材料與化工研究所) |
產氫技術與燃料重組器設計實務介紹 |
劉福成 |
18 |
2010/6/18 |
Professor Robert J. Doerksen (Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy University of Mississippi) |
Computational studies on protein kinase-inhibitor interactions |
梁剛荐 |
2010/7/2 |
Professor Julius Rebek Jr. (The Scripps Research Institute, U.S.A.) |
Molecular Assembly and Encapsulation |
戴達夫 |
2010/7/26(10:30am) |
Professor Hiroshi Nakazawa |
Iron(IV) complexes with group 14 element ligands |
劉鎮維 |
演講時間: (五) 15:10-17:00 演講地點:理二講堂 |
國立東華大學化學系暨研究所 電話:(03)8633572 / 8633574 傳真:(03)8633570 地址:花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路二 段1號 |
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