姓名:楊天賜       性別:男

民國56年11月7日生   台灣省南投縣人











現任:花蓮慈濟技術學院化學系教師('04.10- )





(A)   SCI Journal Papers

  1. 1. T.S. Yang, T.H. Chang, C.T. Yeh, "Acidities of sulfate speciec formed on a supreacid of sulfated alumina", J.Mol.Catal., 115 (1997) P.339-346.

    2. T.S. Yang, T.H. Chang, C.T. Yeh, " Influence of precursors on the sulfated alumina superacidsupport and impregnating solution effect", J.Mol.Catal., 123 (1997) P.163-169.

    3. T.S. Yang, T.H. Chang, C.T. Yeh, "Mechanism of n-butane isomerization over superacidic sulfated metal oxides", J.Mol.Catal., 159 (2000) P.397-402.

    4. M.S. Wong, C.A. Lu, H.K. Chang, T.S. Yang, J.H. Wu, Y. Liou, “Diamond synthesis via C-H-metal precursors processed in HFCVD and MPCVD”, Thin Solid Films, 377-8 (2000) P.274-279.

    5. T.H. Tsai, T.S. Yang, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Synthesis and properties of boron nitride films by pulsed-DC magnetron sputtering”, Mater. Chem. and Phys. 72 (2001) 264-268.

    6. T.S. Yang, J.Y. Lai, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Growth of faceted, ballas-like and nanocrystalline diamond films deposited in CH4/H2/Ar MPCVD”, Diam. and Relat. Mater., 10 (2001) 2161-2166.

    7. T.S. Yang, T.H. Tsai, C.H. Lee, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Deposition of carbon containing cubic boron nitride films by pulsed-DC magnetron sputtering”, Thin Solid Films, 398-399 (2001) 285-290.

    8. T.S. Yang, J.Y. Lai, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Substrate bias effect on the formation of nanocrystalline diamond films by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, J. Appl. Phys. 92 (2002) 2133-2138.

    9. T.S. Yang, J.Y. Lai, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Combined effects of argon addition and substrate bias on the formation of nanocrystalline diamond films by chemical vapor deposition”, J. Appl. Phys. 92 (2002) 4912-4917.

    10. C.H. Lee, T.S. Yang, C. M. Hsu, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Preparation and Properties of BN/AlN Nanolaminates”, Thin Solid Films, 420-421 (2002) 139-144.

    11. T.S. Yang, J.B. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Processing and Characterization of CVD c-BN films and c-BN/Diamond bilayers”, Mater. Res. Soc. (2002) (submitted).

    12.T.S. Yang, J.B. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Synthesis of thick and adherent c-BN/Diamond multilayers”, Thin Solid Films, (2003) (preparation).


(B)   Conference Papers

* International-(2000~ )

1. M.S. Wong, C.A. Lu, H.K. Chang, T.S. Yang, J.H. Wu, Y. Liou, “Diamond synthesis via C-H-metal precursors processed in HFCVD and MPCVD”, poster at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, CA, (2000) April 10-14, DP-6, 54.

2. T.H. Tsai, T.S. Yang, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong, “Synthesis and properties of boron nitride films by pulsed-DC magnetron sputtering”, to be presented at Taiwan Int. Diam. and Relat. Mater. Sci. & Techn. Symp. (Taiwan Diamond 2000), Taipei, July 30- Aug. 2, (2000) p.46- 47.

3. T.S. Yang, T.H. Tsai, C.H. Lee, C.L. Cheng, M.S. Wong,Deposition of carbon containing cubic boron nitride films by pulsed-DC magnetron sputtering” poster at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, CA, (2001) Apr.30~May 4, DP-1-42, 90.

4. T.S. Yang, Jir-Yon Lai, Chia-Liang Cheng, Ming-Show Wong, “Formation mechanism of faceted, ballas-like and nanocrystalline diamond films deposited in CH4/H2/Ar MPCVD”, poster at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, CA, (2001) Apr.30~May 4, DP-1-43, 91.

5. C.H. Lee, T.S. Yang, C.M. Hsu, C.L. Chenga, M.S. Wong, “Preparation and Properties of BN/AlN Nanolaminates”, poster at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, CA, (2002) Apr.30~May 4, D1-1-11.

6. M.S. Wong, T.B. Shu, T.S.Yang, and M.E. Graham, “Preparation and Properties of Titanium Oxide Films by Reactive Vapor Deposition”, Prairie Chapter of the AVS Science & Technology Society & the Illinois Chapter of the Electrochemical Society, Chicago, October 7-8, 2002.

7. C.B. Shu, H.C. Chen, T.S. Yang, M.S. Wong, Photocatalytic and Hydrophilic Properties of Titanium Oxide Films Prepared by Physical Vapor Deposition”, poster at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, CA, (2003) Apr.28~May 2, CP-2-4.

8. T.S. Yang, Y.P. Cheng, M.S. Wong, Effect of Diamond Films as Bufferlayer on Formation of Cubic Boron Nitride Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Oral Presentation at Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, CA, (2003) Apr.28~May 2, D1-2-1.

* Internal-(2000~)

1. 蔡宗洵,楊天賜,鄭嘉良,翁明壽,“含碳立方氮化硼薄膜的製備特性研究”,中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計劃研究成果發表會, (2000) p.245~248.

2. T.S. Yang, Jir-Yon Lai, Chia-Liang Cheng, Ming-Show Wong, “Synthesis of nanocrystalline ballas diamond films in CH4/Ar/H microwave plasma enhanced CVD”, 中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計劃研究成果發表會, (2000) p.253~256.

3. 蔡宗洵,李承翰,楊天賜,鄭嘉良,翁明壽,“多階段製程製備含碳立方氮化硼薄膜(c-BN:C)的特性研究”,中國材料科學學會年會論文發表會, (2000) Nov.24~25.

4. 吳健豪, 楊天賜,吳慶成,翁明壽,“熱活化成長鑽石之研究” , 中國材料科學學會年會論文發表會, (2000) Nov.24~25.

5. T.S. Yang, Jir-Yon Lai, “Microelectromechanical sensing application of nanocrystalline diamond films deposited by CH4/H2/Ar MPCVD”, 第六屆化學感測器科技交流研討會, May 19~20, (2001) p117.

6. 楊天賜,李承翰,鄭嘉良,翁明壽,“在單階段與多階段製程中探討基材偏壓對氮化硼薄膜的影響”,中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計劃研究成果發表會, Aug. 30~31,D11 (2001)..

7. 楊天賜,李承翰,鄭嘉良,翁明壽,“BN/AlN奈米級多層膜的合成與硬度”,中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計劃研究成果發表會, Aug. 30~31, D12, (2001).

8. 楊天賜,賴哲永, 鄭嘉良,翁明壽, 以微波電漿化學氣相沉積法在鑽石緩衝層上成長立方氮化硼薄膜”, 中國材料科學學會年會論文發表會, Nov.23~24, O11-06, (2001).

9. 陳蕙祺, 楊天賜, 徐清彬, 翁明壽, 電子束蒸鍍系統沉積TiOXVOXTiOx/ VOx多層膜之光觸媒性質,中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計劃研究成果發表會, Aug. 30~31, (2002).

10. 楊慧敏, 楊天賜, 林宗隆, 翁明壽, 氧化鎢(WOx)與氧化釩(VOx)單層膜與多層膜之製備與電致色變性質,中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計劃研究成果發表會, Aug. 30~31, (2002).

11. 楊天賜, 鄭永彬, 賴哲永, 翁明壽, 在化學氣相沉積法中奈米晶粒之鑽石薄膜的合成機制”, 中國材料科學學會年會論文發表會, Nov.22~23, PL-19, (2002).

12. 陳蕙祺, 楊天賜, 徐清彬, 翁明壽, 不同蒸鍍源對電子束蒸鍍沉積TiO2光觸媒薄膜的影響”, 中國材料科學學會年會論文發表會, Nov.22~23, PK-16, (2002).

13. 楊天賜, 鄭永彬, 賴哲永, 翁明壽, 提昇奈米晶粒鑽石薄膜生成速率的方法”, 中國物理學會年會論文發表會, Feb. 12~14, Ea-4, (2003).

14. 楊天賜, 陳蕙祺, 徐清彬, 翁明壽, 物理氣相沉積光觸媒TiO2薄膜的特性”, 中國物理學會年會論文發表會, Feb. 12~14, Pb-9, (2003).

(C)  Chinese Essays

1. 楊天賜, 用固態D-NMR探討d6-苯在不同吸附劑上的吸附行為,(1991/6),清華大學化學所碩論文.

2. 楊天賜, SO42-/Al2O3與其他SO4/MOx超酸的研究,(1996/7),清華大學化學所博士論文.

3. 楊天賜, 科學展覽不能變成老師間的競技”, 中國時報, 民國86 (1997), 31511.

4. 楊天賜, “TDI, 甲苯二異氰酸酯”, 今周刊, 民國86 (1997), 59, p.12.

5. 楊天賜, 開發東部科技需要另類思考”, 中國時報, 民國89 (2000), 7115.

6. 楊天賜, 連通管原理”, 中國時報, 民國90 (2001), 12315.

7. 吳岳翰, 許智明, 楊天賜, 鄭嘉良, 先進超硬材料-立方氮化硼的紅外光吸收譜”, 物理教育, (2001) (accepted).