Ta-Kun Chen

  Ph.D. Candidate
  Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  National Dong Hwa University
  1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng,
  Hualien 974,Taiwan, Republic of China
  Tel: (03) 863-4210
  E-mail: d9222002@em92.ndhu.edu.tw
  Homepage: www.wretch.cc/album/hockfinn
1995/09 ~ 1998/06 National Experimental High School at Science Based Industrial Park
1998/09 ~ 2002/06 B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
2002/09 ~ present Ph. D. work in progress, Materials Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University
1999/09 ~ 2000/08 Planner of Seminar , the Astronomy Club
2000/09 ~ 2000/09 Teaching assistant of Astronomy , the Research and Study Camp in Physics for High School Teachers , Department of Physics , N ational Tsing Hua University
2001/05 ~ 2001/08 Vice Chief , United Summer Camps of National Tsing Hua University
2001/05 ~ 2001/08 Chief , the Astronomy Camp
2004/08 ~ 2004/08 Narrator and Demonstrator, "Science, Technology and Society Workshop" in Global Development Village, 12th World Scout Moot 2004
2004/01 ~ 2005/06 Operator, Analytical Transmisstion Electron Microscopy (JEOL JEM-3010)
2005/10 ~ 2005/12 Visiting Research Assistant, Center for Superconductivity Research, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
2006/07 ~ present Part-time translator, President Translation Service Group International (PTSGI)
Research Experience  
1. Synthesis and characterization of novel nitride, oxide, and oxynitride thin films of multi-element high-entropy alloys (such as AlxCoCrCuFeNi (x = 0.5–2) and AlCrNiSiTi) by reactive DC magnetron sputtering
2. Preparation and characterization of silver nanowires on titanium dioxide thin films by simple thermal reduction
3. Modification of titanium dioxide and multicomponent oxide thin films as visible-light photocatalysts by ion-assisted physical vapor deposition
4. Equipment proficiency:
  Vacuum thin-film deposition system: magnetron sputtering system, ion-assisted electron-beam evaporation system, and pulsed laser deposition system
  Basic characterization techniques: SEM, EDS, XRD, surface profiler, UV-VIS, Raman
  Mechanical properties measurement techniques: tribological tester, micro- or nano-indentation
  Advanced analysis technique: TEM
5. Superior user of analytical transmission electron microscopy (JEOL JEM-3010)
Honors & Awards  


Award for Acadmic Excellence in the School Year 2002/Sep–2003/Jan and 2003/Feb–2003/Jun, National Dong Hwa University
2. Chinese Society for Material Science Certificate of Award for Thesis Poster (2004)
Publications List  
A. Referred Papers  
A1. T.K. Chen, T.T. Shun, J.W. Yeh, and M.S. Wong, "Nanostructured nitride films of multi-element high-entropy alloys by reactive DC sputtering", Surf. Coat. Technol., 188-189 (2004) 193-200. (SCI)
A2. T.K. Chen, W.T. Chen, M.C. Yang, and M.S. Wong, "Thermal-induced formation of silver nanowires on titanium dioxide thin films", J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 23(6) (2005) 2261-2265. (SCI)
A3. T.K. Chen, M.S. Wong, T.T. Shun, and J.W. Yeh, "Nanostructured nitride films of multi-element high-entropy alloys by reactive DC sputtering", Surf. Coat. Technol., 200 (2005) 1361-1365. (SCI)
A4. S.W. Hsu, T.S. Yang, T.K. Chen, and M.S. Wong, "Ion-assisted electron-beam evaporation of carbon-doped titanium oxide films as visible light photocatalyst", Thin Solid Film, 515 (2007) 3521.
A5. S.H. Wang, T.K. Chen, K. Koteswara Rao, M.S. Wong, "Nanocolumnar titania thin films uniquely incorporated with carbon for visible light photocatalysis", Appl. Catal. B: Environ. (in press).
A6. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Structure and properties of reactively-sputtered AlxCoCrCuFeNi oxide films", Thin Solid Films (in press)
A7. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Hard transparent conducting hex-element complex oxide thin films by reactive sputtering", (prepared for publication).
A8. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Aluminum effect on the opitcal and electrical properties of reactively-sputtered AlxCoCrCuFeNi oxide thin films", (prepared for publication).
A9. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Thermal stability and properties evolution of transparent AlxCoCrCuFeNi oxide thin films", (prepared for publication).
B. Proceedings and Conference Papers  
B1. T.K. Chen, T.T. Shun, J.W. Yeh, and M.S. Wong, "Nanostructured Nitride Films of Multi-Element High-Entropy Alloys by Reactive Sputtering", International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, California, April 19-23, 2004. (oral presentation)
B2. T.K. Chen, T.T. Shun, J.W. Yeh, and M.S. Wong, "Nanostructured Nitride Films of Multi-Element High-Entropy Alloys by Reactive Sputtering", 中國材料科學學會2004年年會, 工業技術研究院(竹東院區), 新竹, 台灣, 11月17~18日 (poster presentation, 壁報論文優等)
B3. T.K. Chen, W.T. Chen, M.C. Yang, and M.S. Wong, "Thermal-induced formation of silver nanowires on titanium dioxide thin films", The 1st International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2005. (poster presentation)
B4. T.K. Chen, M.S. Wong, T.T. Shun, and J.W. Yeh, "Nanostructured Nitride Films of Multi-Element High-Entropy Alloys by Reactive Sputtering", International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, California, May 2-6, 2005. (oral presentation)
B5. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Oxide Films of Multi-Element Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi Alloy by Reactive DC Sputtering", International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, California, May 2-6, 2005. (poster presentation)
B6. M.S. Wong, S.H. Wang, S.W. Hsu, and T.K. Chen, "Photocatalysis of vapor deposited anion doped titania films ", European-Japanese Initiative on Photocatalytic Application and Commercialization Workshop, Tokyo, Sep11-13, 2005. (poster presentation)
B7. T.K. Chen, C.Y. Huang, and M.S. Wong, "Silver nanowires prepared by thermal reduction of TiO2 thin films ", extended abstract for Taiwan Nano Tech 2005, Taipei, Taiwan. 奈米國家型科技計畫成果發表會, 台北國際會議中心, 94年9月21-23日. (Poster with extended abstract)
B8. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Preparation and Characterization of Reactively Sputtered AlxCoCrCuFeNi Oxide Thin Films ", AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, California, Nov 12-17, 2006. (oral presentation)
B9. C.Y. Huang, T.K. Chen, H.Y. Tang, and M.S. Wong, "Silver Nanowires Grown on Titania Films by Thermal or Photo Induced Reaction", AVS 53rd International Symposium & Exhibition, San Francisco, California, Nov 12-17, 2006. (poster presentation)
B10. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Sputtered Metallic and Nitride Films of Multi-Principal-Element High-Entropy Alloys", 中國材料科學學會2006年年會, 國立成功大學, 台南, 台灣, 11月24~25日 (poster presentation)
B11. T.K. Chen and M.S. Wong, "Optical and Mechanical Properties of Transparent Conducting and Semicondcuting AlxCoCrCuFeNi Oxide Films", International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, California, April 23-27, 2007. (oral presentation)