UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE                                              Knoxville, Tennessee

College ofEngineering
PhD student in Material Science and Engineering

TEXASA&MUNIVERSITY                                                       College Station, Texas

DwightSchool ofEngineering
Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering, May 2005
GPA: 3.30/4.00

NATIONALDONGHWAUNIVERSITY                                    Hualien, Taiwan

Master of Science in Material Science and Engineering, July 2002
Thesis: Fabrication and Properties Studies of Patterned Permalloy Submicron-Wires
Advisor: Ming-Show Wong, Yeong-Der Ya
GPA: 4.23/4.50 Rank 1 in class 22

CHANGGUNGUNIVERSITY                                                      Tao-Yuan, Taiwan

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, June 1998
GPA: 3.33/4.00



Lectures and hands-on experiments using SMARTS, HIPPO, NPDF and LQD at the LujanCenter
March 2005

UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, KNOXVILLE                       Knoxville, Tennessee

Research Assistant Internship, Department of Materials Science & Engineering,
December 2004 – January 2005
Conduct fatigue test of Bulk Metallic Glass Material.


Research Assistant, August 2002 – June 2003
Responsible for clean room job, submicron pattern design, magnetic thin film deposition,
electricity resistance measurement and morphology analysis.

Experiment Skills

Thin film deposition: CVD/ PVD with high vacuum
Materials analysis:AFM, Real-time MFM, X-ray, and SEM
Clean Room Job: Mask Aligner Lithography and Spin Coater
Low electricity measurement under low temperature

Computer & Modeling Skills

Wrote LabView-6i program to setup magneto-resistance measurement system under low temperature.
Used OOMF to simulate pattern and used Original software to analyze electricity resistance.

NATIONALDONGHWAUNIVERSITY                                        Hualien, Taiwan

Research Assistant, Department of Material Science & Engineering, October 2000 – July 2002
Responsible for depositing multilayer hard thin film by PVD, observed defects by ESR (electron spin resonance),
analyzed morphology by atomic/ magnetic force microscopy, and used both X-ray and FTIR to study thin film structure.


Secretary of Executive Officer, June 1999 – July 2000                                                                                              Peng-Hu, Taiwan
Assistant of Executive officer in General Administration Division
Leadership Position, October 1998 – January 1999                                                                                                   Taipei, Taiwan
Responsible for obligatory second lieutenant training


Engineering Assistant Internship, June 1995 – August 1995                                                                                   Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Center of Planning No.6 Naphtha Cracker Project





  • Y.D. Yao, E.W. Huang, S.F. Lee, C. Yu,M.S. Wong, Y. R. Ma, “Magnetic studies in octagon-patterned permalloy submicron-wires” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 pp1686-1687, (2004)
  • E.W. Huang, C. Yu, K.W. Cheng, S.H. Wu, S.F. Lee, Y.D. Yao and Y. Liou, Fabrication and Analysis of Nano Magnetic Patterns” Journal of The Vacuum Society of R. O. C. Vol. 16 pp15-23, (2003).
  • C. Yu, S.F. Lee, Y.D. Yao, Y.R. Ma, E.W. Huang, J.L. Tsai, T. Y. Chen and C. R. Chang, Magnetoresistance study in NiFe semicircle-ring patterned wires” Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 93, 10, pp 7619-7621 (2003).
  • J. L. Tsai, Y.D. Yao, B.S. Han, S.F. Lee, C. Yu, T.Y. Chen, E.W. Huang and D. J. Zheng, Magnetoresistance and magnetic force microscopy studies in Ni80Fe20 disk- and ring-patterned wires” Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 93, 10, pp 8424-8426 (2003).
  • C. Yu, S.F. Lee, J.L. Tsai, E.W. Huang, T.Y. Chen, Y.D. Yao, Y. Liou and C.R. Chang, Study of domain wall magnetoresistance by Submicron patterned magnetic structure” Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 93, 10, pp 8761-8763 (2003).
  • C. Yu, S.F. Lee, Y.D. Yao, M.S. Wong, E.W. Huang, Y.R. Ma, J.L. Tsai and C.R. Chang, Fabrication and physical properties of permalloy nano-size wires” Physica B Vol.327, pp 247-252 (2003).
  • J.L. Tsai, S.F. Lee, Y.D. Yao, C. Yu, E.W. Huang, T.Y. Chen and T.S. Chin, Angular and. field dependent magnetoresistance in Ni80Fe20 zigzag wires” Physica B Vol. 327, pp 287-291 (2003).



  • Y. D. Yao, E.W. Huang, M. S. Wong, S. F. Lee and C. Yu, 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (MMM02), Tampa, Florida, November, (2002).
  • E.W. Huang, C. Yu, S. F. Lee, Y. D. Yao, T. Y. Chen, M. S. Wong, B. S. Han, Y. R. Ma and C. R. Chang, 4th Asia Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM4), Taipei, Taiwan. Aug. 12-15, (2002).
  • E.W. Huang, C. Yu, S. F. Lee, Y. D. Yao, S. H. Wu, J. L. Tsai, T. Y. Chen Y. Liou and C. R. Chang, 16th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan. Aug 20-22 (2003).
  • E.W. Huang, C. Yu, J. L. Tsai, S. F. Lee, Y. D. Yao, M. S. Wong, T. Y. Chen and Y. R. Ma, 15th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Jun 23-24. (2002).




The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor (2002)
President Award of EngineeringSchool of NationalDong-HwaUniversity (2002)
Fellowship granted by Department of Chemical Engineering, ChangGungUniversity (1994)
Vice President of Toastmasters International Silver Tongue Club (2005)
Member of Chinese Materials Society
Member of Chinese Vacuum Science Society
Member of Chinese Physics Society
President of ChangGungUniversity Chorus
ChangGungHospital Volunteer



Thin Film Deposition with Sputtering/ Evaporation, Clean Room experiences: Mask Aligner, Spin Coater, Atomic/ Magnetic Force Microscopy
(NT-MDT and Digital Instrument), X-Ray (Bruker AXS, Model D8), SEM (Hitachi 3500H), Physics Property Measurement System
(Quantum Design PPMS), Electron Spin Resonance (Bruker), Material Test System (MTS810).



Lab View6i, Matlab, ORIGIN, OOMF, MS-Office, Arena and FrontPage.



Magnetoresistance Measurement System Combines:Power Supply (Kepco), Resistance
Measurement (LR 700), Gauss Meter and Homemade Probes and Dewars

E-Wen Huang
(979) 739-4067