Chia-Lin Chyan

Associate Professor,  Biochemistry

Phone: 03-8633589 (O) 03-8633590 (Lab)

Fax: 03-863-3570 (Department office) 

Room:  D420 science building. 

Home Page   


office hour: 10:00-12:00, Wednesday

National Dong Hwa University, Shou-Feng, Hualien, 974,  Taiwan


  • Education

1980-1984: National Tsing Hua University department of chemistry

1988-1994: Rutgers University department of chemistry Ph.D.
  • Experience

1988-1991: Rutgers University TA

1991-1994: Rutgers University RA

1994-1999: Academia sinica Postdoctoral research fellow

1999-2005.08: NDHU Assistant professor of department of chemistry

2005.08-now: NDHU Associate professor of department of chemistry
  • Research Interests

1. Biochemistry

2. Nuclear magnetic resonance in structural biology

3. Biophysical chemistry

4. Structural biology
  • Selected Publications


    1. T.-H. Liu, C.-L. Chyan, F.-Y. Li, and J. T. C. Tzen, ¡§The stability of artificial oil bodies constituted with recombinant caleosins¡¨, J. of Agri. Food Chem 57 (6), 2308-2313 (2009). (SCI IF 2.562)
    2. Y. M.Yuan, C.-L.Chyan, H. X. Zhou, T. Y. Chung, H. Peng, G. Ping, G. Yang*, "The effects of macromolecular crowding on the mechanical stability of protein molecules" Protein Sci. 17(12), 2156-66 (2008) (SCI IF 3.115).
    3. A. C. N. Chua, W.-M. Chou, C.-L. Chyan, J. T. C. Tzen*, "Purification, cloning, and identification of two thaumatin-like protein lsoforms in jelly fig (Ficus awkeotsang) achenes" J. of Agri. Food Chem 55 (18), 7602-7608 (2007) (SCI IF 2.562)
    4. M.Q. Liao, Y.J. Tzeng, Lea Y.X. Chang, H.B. Huang, T.H. Lin, C.L. Chyan, Y.C. Chen,* ¡§The Correlation between Neurotoxicity, Aggregative Ability and Secondary Structure Studied by Sequence Truncated AƒÒ peptides¡¨ FEBS Lett 581, 1161-1165. (2007) (SCI IF 3.264)
    5. Y.R. Chen, H.B. Huang, C.-L. Chyan, M.S. Shiao, T.H. Lin and Y.C. Chen, ¡§The Effect of AƒÒ Conformation on the Metal Affinity and Aggregation Mechanism Studied by Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy¡¨, J. Biochem. 139, 733¡V740 (2006) (SCI).
    6. C.-L. Chyan, T.T.-T. Lee, C.-P. Liu, Y.-C. Yang, J.T.-C. Tzen, and W.-M. Chou, ¡§Cloning and Expression of a Seed-Specific Metallothionein-Like Protein from Sesame¡¨Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 69 (12), 344-351 (2005) (SCI).
    7. C.-L. Chyan, P.-C. Huang, T.-H. Lin, J.-W. Huang, S.-S. Lin, H.-b. Huang and Y.-C. Chen, ¡§Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the Camodulin-OLFp complex¡¨ Acta Crystallographica F61, 785-787 (2005) (SCI).
    8. Y.-L. Yeh, C.-H. Chang, K.-K. Liang, Y.-J. Shiu, C. Su, M. Hayashi, C.-L. Chyan, G. Yang, Y. Moe, Y.-J. Yan, S.-H. Lin, ¡§Atomic force microscopic and theoretical studies of poly-ubiquitin proteins¡¨, Chemical Physics Letters 399, 440¡V445 (2004) (SCI).
    9. C.-L. Chyan, F.-C. Lin, H. Peng, J.-M. Yuan, C.-H. Chang, S.-H. Lin, and G. Yang, ¡§Reversible Mechanical Unfolding of Single Ubiquitin Molecules¡¨, Biophysical J. 87, 3995-4006(2004) (SCI).
    10. J.-H. Shyu, C.-L. Chyan, J. T. C. Tzen, and W.-M. Chou, ¡§Molecular Cloning, Expression, and Functional Characterization of a Cystatin from Pineapple Stem¡¨, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 68 (8), 1681-9 (2004) (SCI).
    11. T.-H. Lin, J.-W.Huang, H..-b.. Huang, Y..-c.. Chen, C.-Y. Liu, C.-j. Lo, T. C. Tang, and C.-L. Chyan, ¡§1H, 15N, and 13C Resonance Assignments of Calmodulin Complexed with the Calmodulin-Binding Domain of Protein Phosphatase 2B¡¨, J. of Biomol. NMR, 29, 531-2 (2004) (SCI).
    12. C.-M. Chen, C.-L. Chyan, T.-T. Lee, S.-H. Huang, and J. T.C. Tzen, ¡§Caleosin Stabilizes Artificial Oil Bodies as Nanoparticles¡¨, J. of Agri. And Food Chem. 52 (12), 3982-7 (2004) (SCI).
    13. Y.-L. Yeh, C.-H. Chang, C.-L. Chyan, and S.-H. Lin, ¡§Atomic Force Microscopic and Theoretical Study of Protein Folding and Unfolding¡¨, Instruments Today 25 (5), 39-45 (2004)


